As Russia/Ukraine specialist and Independent journalist Alina Bezoeglaja reports about the developments in the EU and the former Soviet Union for national and international media. Because of her background, experience and knowledge, she is specialised in that part of the world and is frequently invited as an expert guest by European think tanks and by Dutch radio/tv.

Prior to the Dutch ‘Ukraine Referendum’, she informed Dutch politicians on Russia/Ukraine issues. She gave support and translated during round table talks between Ukrainian/Russian politicians and NATO officials, Members of the European Parliament and at other EU institutions. She follows the developments in the former Soviet Union countries and international policies regarding that region closely by: regular travels to former USSR, contacts with EU delegations, attending meetings at the EU Parliament, maintaining regular contact with MEP’s, EU institutions, NATO, researchers and think tanks that are dealing with these regions.

One of her own projects that she is currently working on is a documentary about the yearly pilgrimage of more then 30.000 Breslov-Hasidim to a small town near Kyiv, Uman. The main focus in the documentary is on the relationship between the Jewish pilgrims and the local community after political changes in Ukraine.

In August of 2015, she filmed a documentary in the United States about the life of a 93 year old Ukrainian Holodomor and Holocaust survivor which is now in post production.

Some of her photo and documentary work has been published, exhibited and won prizes.





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